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SHLN Virtual Workshop: NAMI SD & Mental Health 101 – Learning from Lived Experience

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Mental illness is a biological, medical condition that is surrounded by misinformation, stigma, and loneliness. There is often little or no support for those living with behavioral health challenges, their family members or even helping professionals. This can be a catastrophic stressor for all concerned. Family members as well community non-profit professionals can easily be overwhelmed, not knowing where to turn for education, support, or advocacy. Learn about stigma busting and supportive skills with this 90-minute, live, web-based presentation by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, SD. Through storytelling, and lived experience, this interactive and entertaining webinar will lead explore:

• Prevalence of mental illness (including substance misuse conditions)

• Basic signs & symptoms of mental health conditions

• NAMI stages of emotional reaction & lived experience

• Impact of mental health on communication, problem solving & relationships

• Effective communication in times of distress & the power of language

• NAMI San Diego in your backyard; free resources & APPS

Program Presenter: Suzette Southfox, Director of Education, NAMI

Suzette Southfox has worked with San Diego’s non-profit sector for 27 years, serving with organizations such as San Diego Youth & Community Services, Family Pride Coalition, Planned Parenthood, Being Alive AIDS, and First UU Church of San Diego. She currently serves as the Director of Education with the San Diego affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI San Diego).  Southfox oversees the education and outreach based SD County HHS Behavioral Health contracts in both the Adult/Older Adult and Children’s Systems of Care in addition to overseeing a statewide workforce development contract helping individuals with lived experience to work as Peer and Family Support Specialists through intensive online training. Southfox also oversees NAMI Signature support groups and classes for peers and family members throughout San Diego County in addition to Elevate Youth California focused on increasing youth understanding of substance misuse, mental health, and co-occurring conditions while reducing community and individual stigma of use and treatment and is also working within the Grossmont Healthcare District to increase family support through education and groups.

Suzette is not a clinician or psychologist or social worker or legal or medical professional. She is a person with lived experience of a mental health condition, or "Peer." She is "Family", having several family members living with one or more mental health concerns and most importantly, she is the “Parent” of a neuro-diverse, young adult living with mental health challenges and ASD. She lives in a 1924 built cabin in the wilds of east county and on very good days, can be found in the ocean between the half mile and quarter mile marker in La Jolla and is an avid fan of PS4.