Pillar Membership
Pillar Membership
With this level of membership, you are invited to participate in exclusive events, gain political access, and highlight advocacy and exchange ideas with top influencers in the sector. These members will also be invited to participate in exclusive quarterly briefings on timely development issues.
Invitations to members only events
Eligibility to vote (election of SDHF Board of Directors, amending Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, adoption of advisory resolutions)
Complimentary admission to SHLN and RSSN workshops
Eligibility to serve on SDHF committees
SDHF newsletter subscription
Preferred pricing to most SDHF events
Eligibility to serve on SDHF’s board of directors
Listing in online member directory
Spotlight in SDHF’s newsletter (new members)
One feature in SDHF Newsletter or on SDHF website
Recognition in Ruby Awards and Conference Programs
Complimentary admission to Pre-Conference VIP Reception
Complimentary admission to two other exclusive networking events
Access to all Keystone Member Events
Recognition as a top supporter of San Diego Housing Federation and contributor to the affordable housing field in all SDHF programs and publications