San Diego City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera’s Story of Resilience, Commitment, and the Path Forward - "With You All the Way”
As we close this year with gratitude and look forward to what lies ahead, the San Diego Housing Federation is excited to share impactful stories of our members and allies. One such story belongs to San Diego City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera, a longtime advocate of affordable housing and current President of the San Diego City Council. For the Council President, the work of creating affordable, stable housing is not just professional; it’s deeply personal as his life has been shaped by housing insecurity, a struggle that is all too familiar to many San Diegans.
Growing up in a multiethnic, multi-religious family, the Council President witnessed his loved ones bear the heavy weight of not knowing if they would have a roof over their heads from one month to the next. "We faced evictions, and at times, home was a hotel room or a relative’s living room," he recalls. "Those experiences will forever influence my perspective on life, especially on housing."
For the Council President, the volatility of his childhood planted seeds that would grow into a profound sense of purpose and determination. He has spent his life and career working to ensure others don’t have to face the same struggles he did. His journey has taken him through diverse roles—from a coach and community organizer to his current role on the San Diego City Council—and has been fueled by a deep belief in the power of community and his commitment to affordable housing.
His work with the San Diego Housing Federation began in 2015 when he was working on a project to secure housing for homeless veterans and encountered yet another obstacle. To better understand the complexities of the housing crisis, he turned to the San Diego Housing Federation. What he learned, and the support he received, would leave a lasting impact on his work as an advocate for housing justice. "San Diego Housing Federation was the place I went to better understand why it was so difficult to find housing for vets, even when they had vouchers," Council President Elo-Rivera says. "They helped me see the broader landscape and the need for systemic change. Stephen Russell, in particular, was a constant resource and guide."
This moment marked the beginning of a powerful connection between the Council President and SDHF, one that would guide him through future stages of his advocacy and career. As he transitioned from nonprofit work to elected office, Council President Elo-Rivera leaned on SDHF’s resources and community to help him better understand the root issues impacting housing affordability in San Diego. "My connection to the Federation has been a constant," he shares. "San Diego Housing Federation is the network, the gathering place, and the force behind so much of our city’s progress toward housing equity."
As a member of the San Diego City Council, he has remained a dedicated partner to SDHF, helping to amplify its efforts and push for systemic change. "Housing is a human right and the foundation for a quality life. It is also far too expensive in San Diego," he says. "The high cost of housing impacts people daily and threatens to unravel the fabric of our community. San Diego Housing Federation’s work is to make housing more affordable and, by doing so, make our community stronger."
One of his most inspiring moments with SDHF came when he witnessed the powerful stories shared by the SDHF’s Homeless Experienced Advocacy and Leadership (HEAL) Network members. There, he heard the raw, heartfelt stories of community members who were directly affected by housing instability and who, like him, refused to give up. Listening to community members share their experiences, he felt both inspired and empowered. “The HEAL Network has a way of bringing our work to life in the most real, human way," he reflects. "These are people who are not just surviving but pushing for change with a determination that is humbling. It reminds us all why this work matters and what’s at stake. These stories reminded me of what we’re working toward: a San Diego where everyone can afford a safe, secure home.”
San Diego Housing Federation isn’t just a resource for advocates and policymakers like the Council President, they’re a lifeline to the individuals, families, and communities they serve, creating pathways to affordable housing and a sense of belonging. “They’re truly with us all the way,” he emphasizes. “They’re there for every community member struggling with housing costs, for every advocate trying to make a difference, and for all of us who believe in building a more inclusive, affordable San Diego.”
The San Diego Housing Federation is proud to stand beside San Diego City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera, and countless others like him, as they transform the housing landscape in San Diego. But we can’t do this alone. This year, we invite you to stand with us.
As we reflect on this past year’s achievements, we’re reminded of how crucial your support is in sustaining this work. With your gift to our year-end campaign, With You All the Way, you can join us in strengthening the bonds that make San Diego a place where everyone has a place to call home. Every contribution ensures we can continue to advocate, educate, and build—creating a stronger, more inclusive future for our community.
This is your opportunity to make a lasting difference.
Please consider donating to the San Diego Housing Federation today. Every contribution helps strengthen the community we’ve built and empowers us to continue our work. With your support, we can keep building a future where everyone has access to the affordable housing they deserve. Together, we are making a lasting difference. And with you all the way, we will continue to ensure that no one is left behind.
Join us in this critical mission. Your generosity will ensure that San Diego’s housing future is brighter, more inclusive, and equitable for all.
Join us. Donate today and be part of the journey to a more just and equitable housing future.