San Diego Housing Federation

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RUN Pushes AB 71 Through Committees!

Following up on RUN’s priority bills – AB 71 (permanent funding for supportive housing) and AB 328 (prison funding to provide housing for formerly incarcerated individuals)— RUN has been making sure the bills are passing every stage! San Diego RUN leaders planned a phone banking campaign to office of Assemblymember Brian Maienschein on Monday, April 26th, with nearly 20 people calling his office to urge his support during the following Assembly Housing and Community Development Hearing. Then again on Wednesday, RUN from across the state called Assemblymember Quirk-Silva’s office to ask for her support on the bill. But RUN wasn’t stopping there! RUN had a big showing from across the state, with 28 callers from RUN (and HEAL) to provide public comments during the committee hearing—by far the most from one organization! RUN was excited to witness AB 71 pass the committee, and onto the next step! Stay tuned for more!