Let the HEAL Trainings Begin! - 2021 HEAL Cohort

As planned, HEAL has begun offering its first set of training to a cohort of 7 individuals with lived experience of homelessness in San Diego. The training is taking place online over Zoom, for 6 weeks. The training will cover topics such as a qualitative and quantitative understanding of homelessness, how individuals can build their collective power, and organize for advocacy. The culmination of these trainings will be a visit with a legislator and additional 5 advocacy opportunities to help participant develop the skills of speaking to a legislator and tell their stories. The second training offering will be for a cohort in North County, beginning in June. If you know of individuals with lived experience and interest in advocacy in North county, encourage them to apply online.

Meanwhile, the existing cohort of HEAL members had an opportunity to meet with Omar Passons, HHSA Director of Integrative Services, and his colleagues, Zuleika Rosa and Jackie Maclean. HEAL were inspired and encouraged by the conversation with Omar ranging from updates on Department of Homeless Solutions and Equitable Communities, challenges with access to General Relief and CalFresh, and opportunities for individuals with lived experience of homelessness to work and lead meaningful lives. HEAL members were appreciative of Omar and his team’s sincerity, deep engagement, and passion.