San Diego Housing Federation

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New Report Shares Data on the Housing Emergency and Recommends Solutions

The San Diego Housing Federation in collaboration with the California Housing Partnership released a report last week showing the relationship between the loss of state redevelopment and bond funding and the 6-percent increase in homelessness that occurred in San Diego County between 2016 and 2017. San Diego County has a shortfall of 143,800 affordable and available rental homes. The lowest income renters spend 69 percent of their income on rent, leaving little left over for other essentials.

The Housing Federation held a press conference to announce the release of this new data. Speakers and supporters from LISC San Diego, MAAC, Circulate San Diego, Residents United Network (RUN), Community HousingWorks, CSH, Wakeland Housing, FPI Management, the Richmond Group, St. Paul’s PACE, Serving Seniors, and Habitat for Humanity joined the press conference to raise awareness of this alarming new data and to call for action on proposed solutions. Local media outlets ABC 10 News, KUSI, NBC 7, Telemundo 20 and KPBS picked up the story. Be sure to read the full report, which includes state and local policy recommendations from California Housing Partnership and San Diego Housing Federation.