Conference Workshop Proposals CLOSED

Call for Conference Workshop Proposals - Due Friday, June 1, 2018

2018 Annual Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference

San Diego Housing Federation’s annual Affordable Housing & Community Development Conference brings together more than 400 developers, builders, architects, lenders, property managers, service providers, elected and agency officials and staff, community and business leaders to share innovative approaches to affordable housing, community, and economic development. We invite you to share your expertise with us at this conference as a workshop presenter or convener.

This year’s conference will focus on the topic: 
Housing at the Breaking Point: Demanding Solutions

To the degree possible, workshops should focus on responses to recent changes in the social and political environment; these include increasing housing instability for a growing number of individuals and families and addressing uncertainty of programs that have long supported affordable housing and community development. In these changing times, what forward-thinking solutions can be examined to preserve the positive impact affordable homes have on human health, families, financial mobility or children’s educational outcomes; or its role as a driver of economic growth, workforce development and neighborhood revitalization?

Workshop Tracks and Guidelines Information

Workshop Application  

All workshop proposals are due to Sarah Buchanan on Friday, June 1, 2018.


Workshops should be designed for 1 hour and 15 minute duration. You must designate the last 10 minutes of your session for Q and A.

  • Moderators need to just moderate and not be one of the presenters themselves.
  • No more than four total panelists (3 presenters and one moderator).
  • Speakers or panelists must register at a reduced speaker rate if they are attending any part of the conference in addition to their workshop. Travel expenses will not be reimbursed.
  • Final Description of the workshop, all bios for speakers and moderators, AV needs, and full contact list of speakers for all accepted workshops must be received by Friday, July 27, 2018.
  • All presentations/handouts will be posted online and will need to be received by Friday, September 21, 2018 to be online ahead of time.
  • Sessions need to be well rounded and present multiple perspectives, if necessary. Sessions designed to sell or promote one company’s product will not be accepted.

Workshop conveners will be notified of acceptance the week of July 6, 2018.

Sarah Buchanan