Connecting Regional Transportation and Housing Projects in San Diego County Roundtable

In the month of June we hosted our second LISC Sponsored Roundtable via Zoom. This time we gathered with 60 professionals and advocates for affordable housing to discuss ‘Connecting Regional Transportation and Housing Projects throughout San Diego County.’ This Roundtable was held in conjunction with the San Diego Association of Governments, California Coalition for Rural Housing, and the Estolano Advisors.

Presentations included a brief introduction to the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program, an overview of upcoming regional active transportation and mobility projects in San Diego; considerations for projects in rural and tribal communities throughout our area and examples of successful Affordable Housing and Sustainable Community projects from the past funding rounds. This roundtable session was geared towards housing developers and others interested in pursuing partnerships with local governments to connect affordable housing and transportation projects across the San Diego region and co-apply for funding from the statewide AHSC Program. We learned about how counties throughout the State of California are moving to electric buses but the County of San Diego is planning on using Compressed natural gas. We heard about what factors are considered by the State when awarding housing grants that regard transportation as a criteria. Our attendees had many questions for the panelists and we’re grateful for the opportunity to engage with one another in this different format once again.

A huge thank you to our sponsor LISC San Diego for making our roundtable series possible and thank you to our amazing panelists and moderator for making this an informative and refreshing update for all involved in affordable housing development here in San Diego.