AB 1486 (Ting) Promotes Changes to the Surplus Land Act to turn unused public land into a public good

Redeveloping unused public land can create more affordable housing homes throughout the state and advance California’s environmental and economic goals by increasing affordable infill development near transit and jobs.

Across California, public agencies control significant amounts of unused land that have remained dormant for decades, but are strategically located next to transit, schools, and job opportunities. California’s surplus land laws already require such land to be prioritized for purposes of affordable housing, but a narrow scope and lack of clarity within the law prevents surplus land from being used more effectively. Public lands are a critical resource that can serve as the site of more affordable homes for our working families, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. In San Diego we are seeing the Surplus Land Act at work with affordable housing being prioritized on public land at the City Heights neighborhood converting vacant and underutilized properties into affordable homes. We are also seeing the Metropolitan Transit System convert underutilized parking lots into affordable homes at Palm Avenue and throughout the transit system to promote increased ridership and sustainable development.

AB 1486 will improve enforcement of the Surplus Land Act so California can more efficiently transform unused public lands into a public good by increasing affordable housing and open space. The bill includes important clarifications and critical fixes to strengthen the Surplus Land Act and expands the land that is available for affordable housing development across the state.

AB 1486 is critical to ensure that the state’s existing Surplus Land Act can fulfill its intended goal to turn unused public land back into a community benefit and create more affordable homes for individuals and families in the San Diego and across the state.


AB 1486 is being heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Thursday, May 16. Please help support passage of this San Diego Housing Federation priority bill by letting our local representatives on the Appropriations Committee know of your support. Read and use SDHF's letter of support as a template here. Show your strong support for AB 1486 by submitting a letter or calling your lcoal representatives who sit on the Appropriations Committee:

Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, Chair

Email: Evan McLaughlin, Chief of Staff, Evan.McLaughlin@asm.ca.gov

Phone:(916) 319-2080

Assemblymember Brian Maienschein, Committee Member

Email: Lance Witmondt, Chief of Staff, Lance.Witmondt@asm.ca.gov

Phone: (916) 319-2077

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