San Diego Housing Federation

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2020 Conference Day 1 Recap

President & CEO Stephen Russell Welcomes Attendees

30th Annual Conference & Institutes focused on “30 Years of Building Better Futures.”

Below is a quick recap of our opening keynote with Conor Dougherty and our public session on storytelling.

Keynote Calls for Cultural Shift

Conor Dougherty, The New York Times; author of Golden Gates: Fighting for Housing in America was our opening keynote for this year's annual conference. Moderated by Mirle Rabinowitz-Bussell from UCSD.

  • "The question isn’t how did we get here. The question is why can we not get out of this? Why can it not be solved, generation after generation?"

  • "We have to change how we feel a neighborhood should look like." 

  • "There is no evidence that dense housing is unsafe, the real problem is crowded housing."

The Affordable Housing Story Panel

This panel talked about the story around affordable housing with a focus on those most marginalized. We'll discuss the history of policy and legislation in San Diego and how it leaves some behind; how we talk about those who need housing and what needs to change; the historical housing data; and what steps we can take to change the affordable housing story to create better futures for all San Diegans.

Registration is still open. Conference ends Friday, October 9, 2020.