About Supportive Housing Learning Network
The Supportive Housing Learning Network holds monthly training’s designed for property management staff working in affordable housing. The Supportive Housing Learning Network fits a critical unmet need for Affordable Housing Property Managers working in Supportive Housing developments for formerly homeless people with complex needs. The network brings together organizations with Supportive Housing and Affordable Housing units that share common issues, needs, and goals. By convening together to share lessons learned, best practices, and updated techniques, the Supportive Housing Learning Network training’s provide practitioners in supportive housing with the tools needed to achieve successful outcomes at their properties.
Registration for SHLN monthly workshops is free to members of the San Diego Housing Federation; non-members may attend these educational workshops for a fee of $20.00 per workshop. If you have questions about your membership status, please reach out to Michelle@housingsandiego.org.
2023 Workshop Series
January 19th - Safety and Security in Supportive Housing (contact for recording)
February 16th - Hoarding
March 16th - Crisis Intervention
May 18th - Aging 101 / Dementia Training
June 22nd - *in person workshop* Harm Reduction & Naloxone
August 17th (virtual) - Moving on from Permanent Supportive Housing
The schedule is subject to change as training is designed to discuss timely subjects. For up-to-date information on training and sponsorship availability, email Michelle Pranger or call (619) 239‐6693.
Sponsorship Opportunities
SHLN Series Sponsor—$1,500
2 Tickets to each Workshop
Your logo on all promotional items and registration site
Your logo on the SHLN Series page of SDHF’s website
Opportunity to display and distribute marketing materials at event
Event photos with your display to be posted on social media and SDHF website
SHLN Workshop Sponsor — $500
2 Tickets to Sponsored Workshop
Your logo on all promotional items and registration site
Your logo on the workshop page of SDHF’s website
Opportunity to display and distribute marketing materials at event