Community Engagement 2021

Show your support for excellence in San Diego Affordable Housing and consider a sponsorship in 2021. Full sponsorship packets and other opportunities are available here. This packet details the various SDHF membership and sponsorship opportunities available along with corresponding benefits, allowing you to choose the options.

SDHF is committed to building and empowering resident leaders. Since 2013, SDHF and community partners have been educating, engaging and mobilizing resident leaders from affordable developments throughout the County. In partnership with Housing California, San Diego’s Residents United Network (RUN) organizes residents, resident service providers, and developers to support strategies that bring more affordable homes locally and in the state of California. SDHF has also partnered with CSH and Alliance for Regional Solutions to create the Homeless-Experienced Advocacy and Leadership (HEAL) Network, a new community engagement program that brings the voices of individuals with lived experience of homelessness into local discourse in a meaningful and effective way to elevate the discussion, to emphasize the humanity of the affected individuals, and to move public policies toward strategies guided by individuals who are or have been impacted by this crisis.

Support community engagement and advocacy and leadership development with a sponsorship that will be used to facilitate the education, involvement, and advocacy of resident leaders.

If you have questions or would like to support SDHF in a way that is not listed here, we are here to help. Contact Sarah Buchanan, Chief Operating Officer at (619) 239-6693 or sarah@housingsandiego.org.