Resident Services Support Network
2021 Program Workshops
Show your support for excellence in San Diego Affordable Housing and consider a sponsorship in 2021. Full sponsorship packets and other opportunities will be available soon. This packet details the various SDHF membership and sponsorship opportunities available along with corresponding benefits, allowing you to choose the options.
Resident services staff are among the most valuable staff members in ensuring a successful affordable housing community and supporting the success of individual residents. The 2021 RSSN Training Series is designed to provide specialized and foundational training for professionals in the field of Resident Services within Affordable Housing. Each month leading up to the RSSN Institute, the RSSN will offer one workshop on a specific topic relevant to our unique service industry. Due to COVID-19 all workshops have been moved online via virtual platform.
If you have questions or would like to support SDHF in a way that is not listed here, we are here to help. Contact Sarah Buchanan, Chief Operating Officer at (619) 239-6693 or sarah@housingsandiego.org.
Workshop Sponsor – $500
RSSN Series Sponsor – $1,500