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RSSN Resource Portal
Welcome to the RSSN training and resource portal. Here you can find valuable information from past RSSN workshops as well important services around San Diego County.
Welcome to the RSSN training and resource portal. Here you can find valuable information from past RSSN workshops as well important services around San Diego County.
General Resources
- Easter Seals - Easterseals Child Development Centers serve children from birth to five years of age
- SAY First 5 Program - In-home family support program serving expectant and new parents
Past Workshops
- College Within Reach - Presentation on helping residents seeking higher education
- San Diego Promise Program - Presentation on San Diego two-year completion program
- Resources for College Seekers
Past Workshops
General Resources
- Clean Slate Clinic - Provides free help with criminal records
- SAY Community Assessment Team (CAT) - Partners with youth seeking stability due to risk of involvement in criminal justice or dependency systems
Past Workshops
- Domestic Violence Dynamics Fact Sheet
- Grounding Techniques handout- Strategies for crisis intervention
Past Workshops
- Cooking Matters Presentation - Presentation on leading classroom activities for teenagers, additional materials can be printed on request to agency
- Eat Right, Grow Strong - Presentation on nutrition education for young children
General Resources
- San Diego Food Bank - Offers many food assistance programs for all ages
- Heaven's Windows - Provides support and emergency services for hunger relief, nutrtional education, advocacy, and community service
Past Workshop
General Resources
- Family Health Centers of San Diego - Provides patient care to all people, especially uninsured, low-income, and medically-underserved
- Neighborhood Health Insurance Center - Helps communities understand and enroll in health plans that best fit their needs
Past Workshops
General Resources
Past Workshops
General Resources
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of San Diego
- Survivors of Suicide Loss San Diego
- Recovery International San Diego - Offers support meetings for people suffering from mental health issues
Past Workshops
General Resources
Past Workshops
General Resources
- Easterseals - Provides a wide array of resources for people of all ages with special needs
Resources for children with Autism
- Autism Toolkits and Resources for Service Providers and Families
- Kids Helping Kids Training Manual
- 100 Day Kit for Kids Under 4 - For newly diagnosed families of young children
- 100 Day Kit for School Age Children - For newly diagnosed families of school age children
Past Workshops
- Beyond Bingo - Presentation on keeping seniors active and engaged
- "Walk a Mile in Their Shoes" - Presentation on understanding aging through simulation exercises
General Resources
- Resource list - Local resources for senior services
- Program Ideas - 6 Arts & Crafts projects for seniors
General Resources
- SMART Recovery San Diego - Offers non-12-step addiction recovery support meetings
Past Workshops
- Trauma Informed Community Building Presentation
- Grounding Techniques handout - Strategies for crisis intervention
General Resources
- Master Resource Guide
- Veterans Village of San Diego - Assists homeless veterans who have substance abuse and/or mental health issues