How to Procure Local Foods - The USDA Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs Guide provides an overview of federal procurement principles and covers a host of topics related to sourcing and purchasing local foods for state agencies and child nutrition program operators.
San Diego Food Bank - Through our North County Food Bank chapter and by partnering with nearly 500 nonprofit partners with feeding programs, the Food Bank provides nutritious food to individuals and families in need in communities throughout San Diego County.
San Diego Unified School District - Our meal programs have received national recognition and many awards for their innovation and quality of service. We continue to raise the standards of school food with meal program concepts that present a healthy, attractive, convenient and fun atmosphere for students.
Heaven’s Windows - Provides support and emergency services for hunger relief, nutritional education, advocacy, and community service.
California's Farm to Child Nutrition Programs - Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) is administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD) and include the School Nutrition Program (SNP), After School Program (ASP), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Food Distribution Program (FDP), and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
Food Assistance Programs - Get information on food assistance programs for certain individuals and groups. Programs include SNAP, WIC, the National School Lunch Program, and more.
Action for Health Kids - Kids are curious, and teaching them about nutrition can explain why we serve healthy meals at school and encourage them to choose healthy snacks.
Cooking Matters - Cooking Matters works in communities across the country to help parents and caregivers develop their skills when shopping for and cooking healthy foods on a budget.
Nourish California - These programs are a lifeline for the more than 2 million California kids living in households that struggle with food insecurity.
CDC Healthy Schools - The school nutrition environment and services are part of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model and can help shape lifelong healthy eating behaviors.
USDA My Plate - U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Guide