San Diego Housing Federation

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RUN’ing to Meet with Legislators

RUN has seen a lot more movement in the month of August. With the legislative session coming to an end by end of August, RUN has been swift to ensure the AB 1436 bill—which protects tenants from eviction during the pandemic—passes through to the Senate and the Assembly. San Diego RUN has been meeting to stay on top of their plans, ensuring that San Diego Legislators hear RUN’s voice and concerns around the issue of eviction during the pandemic. So far San Diego RUN leaders have met with Senator Hueso’s office, and next they will be meeting with Assemblymember Maienschein and few more. In the world of virtual meetings, organizing virtual meetings with office of legislators has had some benefits of being able to quickly and efficiently organize for remote meetings!

We hope folks who are joining the Housing California Housing Conference will join the RUN workshop, where our San Diego Leader, Maria Hernandez, will be serving as a panelist.

And to bring a little more normalcy to a strange year, RUN will be holding it’s regular Regional Convening in September. The purpose of this meeting will be to initiate “There Ought to be a Law” process, where resident leaders begin identifying ideas and policy priorities for their 2021 advocacy work. Stay tuned for more information on the Regional Convening!