San Diego Housing Federation

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HEAL’ing Through Advocacy

Knowing that for the rest of 2020 HEAL won’t be meeting in person, the Network has moved its meeting to one Thursday evening per month where HEAL members get to year updates, consult on new advocacy opportunities, and even get a little training.

In our recent HEAL meeting, members went through a brief overview how difference cities and municipalities are conducting their meetings online, and how HEAL members can give public comments in those meetings. Additionally, in collaboration with John Brady from Voices of Our City Choir, HEAL members are now learning how to scan city agendas, create a calendar of various legislative meetings, and how to track items that may be of interest to the Network.

HEAL is looking to expand its network in the coming months, and begin engaging new individuals with lived experience of homelessness into the program. Hopefully in the new year a new leadership and advocacy training can be offered to new HEAL members.