San Diego Housing Federation

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HEAL Got the Wheel Rolling for 2020

Both North County and San Diego HEAL cohorts have started the year with brainstorming sessions and action. North County HEAL cohort aims to build stronger relationships with elected officials this winter, so that they can host special events in upcoming Spring and Summer to bring more awareness to the issue of homelessness in their communities. They have already had a tour of Vista City Council chambers by Councilmember Corina Contreras. We greatly appreciate her time to give us a tour of Council chambers, offering her podium for public-speaking practice, and answering our questions about the council meeting process. HEAL Network leaders left the meeting feeling encouraged and supported in their work as advocates.

Michael Joseph, HEAL leader from north, also gave a moving testimony at RTFH board meeting regarding his experience with homeless outreach guidelines. HEAL members attended the San Diego County Board of Supervisors’ meeting to submit their support for the County and RTFH to work together to create flexible funding for housing in San Diego. 

Looking ahead, HEAL will be holding a Summit in March for all the Network leaders, to celebrate their achievements, expand the network, and train and plan for 2020 advocacy opportunities.