San Diego Housing Federation

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HEAL Cohorts Graduated!

Congratulation to our HEAL graduates who finished the HEAL Advocacy and Leadership Training this summer. In sum, 17 individuals with lived experience participated in both trainings and in the end 13 participants successfully graduated. The graduation was a vibrant opportunity for experienced and new HEAL members to gather since the beginning of the pandemic.

The meeting of new and old friends shaped the atmosphere of the celebration. Councilmember Contreras and Councilmember Melendez honored the event by attending. Councilmember Contreras shared encouraging words, reminding the group of their unique powers to make change through their voice and advocacy.

Councilmember recognized each graduate and awarded them their certificate from the Office of Terra Lawson- Remer. Our experienced HEAL member, Jo Barrett, also encouraged the group with a few remarks and advice based on her advocacy experience. DeForrest Hancock, our new HEAL graduate also shared a few words of what she’s most looking forward to in advocacy.

We congratulate our HEAL members, and look forward to all that they will in doubt accomplish!