San Diego Housing Federation

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February Policy Update

SDHF Policy Committee learns about Complete Communities proposal

At the February meeting of the SDHF Policy Committee, guests from the City of San Diego Planning Department shared information on the Complete Communities proposal. Brian Schoenfisch and Leslie Keaveny gave a presentation on the proposal, which focuses on four areas: parks, housing, transportation/housing, and infrastructure. The City of San Diego will need to triple housing production in order to meet its Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) obligation of 108,000 units over the next eight years. While the city has passed several initiatives aimed at incentivizing and streamlining housing production, there is still more that is needed. The Complete Communities proposal is intended to add to the city’s housing initiatives with a specific focus on housing in Transit Priority Areas (TPAs). Comments on the environmental impact report (EIR) are being accepted through March 12. The proposal is expected to be heard at the Planning Commission and Council Committee in April with a vote a full council in late June. To learn more, visit the Complete Communities website here.

SDHF Adopts 2020 Policy Priorities

Each year, the San Diego Housing Federation’s Policy Committee reviews and updates Policy Priorities that guide the work of the committee and SDHF’s advocacy efforts throughout the year. You can review our 2020 Policy Priorities on the SDHF website here.

Interested in participating in the SDHF Policy Committee? Send your interest and/or questions to Laura Nunn, Director of Policy & Programs,