2024 Annual Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference Recap

2024 Annual Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference Recap

The San Diego Housing Federation’s 2024 Annual Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference was a resounding success, drawing around 500 passionate attendees committed to “Amplifying Voices, Bridging Gaps, and Constructing Futures” in our communities. This year's theme resonated deeply, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and innovation in the housing sector.

Inspiring Keynote Speakers

We were honored to have Secretary Tomiquia Moss, Secretary of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, as our morning keynote speaker. Her insights into the current landscape of affordable housing and community development set the tone for a day filled with inspiration and action. Secretary Moss's dedication to equity and community empowerment inspired many attendees to think creatively about the challenges we face.

In the afternoon, we were thrilled to welcome Jesse Leon, the author of "I'm Not Broken"/"No Estoy Roto" and President of Alliance Way. Jesse's powerful storytelling and message about resilience and the transformative power of community left a lasting impression on all who attended. .

Engaging Workshops and Tracks

This year, the conference featured six distinct tracks: Communications & Engagement, Design & Development, Emerging Trends, Housing Finance, Policy & Advocacy, and Supportive Housing. Each track offered three informative workshops led by expert speakers and panelists who generously shared their knowledge and experience.

The workshops fostered dynamic discussions and provided practical tools for participants to implement in their own work. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the speakers and workshop coordinators for their dedication and for facilitating such enriching sessions.

Networking and Exhibitors

The conference also held a vibrant exhibition hall with 25 exhibitors ready to network and educate attendees on their organizations and services. Attendees had numerous opportunities throughout the day to connect with industry leaders, share ideas, and forge new partnerships.

A special shoutout goes to our Headshot Lounge, sponsored by Chelsea Investment Co. which provided attendees with a chance to capture professional headshots—a perfect addition to our networking opportunities!

A Team Effort

The success of this conference was made possible by the hard work and dedication of many individuals. We extend our deepest gratitude to our volunteers who ensured everything ran smoothly, as well as to our sponsors for their generous support. Your contributions allowed us to create an impactful event that brought together a diverse group of individuals dedicated to an important cause.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, let’s carry the momentum from this year's conference into our communities. Together, we can continue to “Amplify Voices, Bridge Gaps, and Construct Futures” that foster equity and opportunity for all.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the 2024 Annual Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference. We can’t wait to see you next year!

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Isabella AndersonComment