San Diego Housing Federation

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SDHF Supports State Legislation

Each year, the San Diego Housing Federation supports state legislation that advances the organization’s mission and policy priorities. As of May 2021, SDHF has supported 11 bills in the state legislature. A list of bills with fact sheets and sample letters can be found here.

SDHF’s legislative priorities were recently featured in a Voice of San Diego article that highlighted the state legislation supported by other local agencies, including the County of San Diego, San Diego Unified School District and SANDAG.

Housing Elements: California law requires all local city and county governments to adequately plan to meet housing needs at all income levels in the community. Local governments adopt housing plans as part of their general plan, known as the housing element, every 8 years. The 6th Housing Element cycle provides an analysis of need and strategies to address the housing need for the years 2021-2029. Programs and policies included in housing elements will shape local housing policy and guide the work of SDHF’s advocacy in the region. SDHF has been closely monitoring and tracking all jurisdictions in the region and has submitted comment letters on draft plans for consideration by each jurisdiction in the region and to HCD in their review. SDHF’s comment letters to each jurisdiction are available on our website here.