San Diego Housing Federation

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Natheer Salem - Resident of Torrey Apartments

Natheer Salem is a religious man who lost his wife in 2006. He was in the Iraqi army in 2004, but decided to help the U.S due to his beliefs of helping anyone who is in need.  A short time after he lost his wife due to a terrorist attack, he moved to Jordan as a newly single father. Natheer lived in Jordan for a short time with his three children, who were at the time two teenage boys and one girl. He struggled as being “mom and dad” as he says, and decided he wanted something better for the four of them.

It was later in 2006 when he decided to come to the United States with his family as Refugees. Since then, they have been living in the U.S and have been able to succeed. Although he has lived with his family in El Cajon since he came to the United States. He started by living at another apartment complex before discovering San Diego Community Housing Corporation’s Torrey Apartments in 2013. A 52-unit complex in El Cajon, California. He says, he feels really at home living at Torrey Apartments.  He appreciates how quiet, peaceful, and clean the complex is. More so, he is very content with the on-site community center, management, and affordability for him and his family.

As refugees Natheer and his family had tremendous obstacles and knew very minimal English. After some time his children became very involved in school, this helped them get to where they are now. Natheer’s children have all now graduated from High School and are doing very well. Both his sons are now working.  One as a supervisor at Urban Corp, the school he attended, and the other as a Manager at a Vegas Night Club. As for his daughter, she is currently attending Grossmont College.

Inspired by his children, Natheer decided to work on his English skills, and joined El Cajon Adult School, where he quickly became an inspiration to others. Aside from that he is also part of the student council, and is very involved with the community there. As of 2015 Natheer became a U.S. Citizen, and is interested in giving back to the country which he says “has given him so much”.

He currently volunteers at Salvation Army by doing food drives, and is also a part of the Campus Clean- Up at his school. Natheer really appreciates everything he now has and is proud of saying he can now understand and is capable of communicating with others in English. He is a true inspiration for everyone and is very passionate about helping others. Natheer is a great example that it is never too late to start learning.