San Diego Housing Federation

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Learning about San Diego Gas and Electric

In the month of August, we hosted our fourth LISC Sponsored Roundtable via Zoom. Due to COVID-19 our annual membership meeting and roundtables were put on pause. But, in May we were able to begin again. For this roundtable 30 professionals and advocates for affordable housing to hear updates and information from San Diego Gas and Electric as well as its partners.

The panel included Arnie Garcia (SDG&E), Christina Inglett (SDG&E), Emily Fisher (Wildan), Eunice Portillo (RHA), Diane Durbin (SDG&E), and Henry De Jesus (SDG&E) as the moderator. Some of the topics covered included Time-of-Use rates for multifamily properties in which we learned about a new way in which the customer is in control of energy bill. This is done by using one’s electricity during a lower-cost time period as well as investing in more clean and renewable energy sources.

AB 802 –Energy Benchmarking and Disclosure in California explicitly for building owners and managers to understand the benefits of ongoing energy monitoring and the legal requirements for public energy benchmarking. This topic coverage also included information on energy savings assistance programs, and residential customer programs, bill payment assistance, and SDG&E’s Coronavirus response. Each topic covered was followed by a brief Q & A so that the attendees could interact with the panelists by raising their virtual hand. This roundtable was both informative and valuable for those who attended.

A huge thank you to our sponsor LISC San Diego for making our roundtable series possible and thank you to our amazing panelists and moderator for making this an informative and refreshing update for all involved in affordable housing development here in San Diego.

If interested, you may watch the video recording of this roundtable or any other past roundtable please visit the SDHF website here.