San Diego Housing Federation

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HEAL Network Meets Supervisor Lawson-Remer

HEAL excitedly prepared and facilitated the meeting with County Board of Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer, and Co-Chairperson of Affordable Housing Solutions Ad Hoc Subcommittee, to discuss our 2021 policy priorities, and learn about her plans. Among the very important questions HEAL members wanted to ask the Supervisor, they made sure to include questions about increasing shelters and mental health services in North County. Supervisor Lawson and her staff were excited for the possibility of HEAL providing continued feedback to County’s policies and to amplify the voices of homelessness. Supervisor Lawson invited HEAL members to join a few of her campaigns which align with HEAL’s priorities.

HEAL also shared a brief presentation at the Regional Task Force on the Homeless membership meeting on Thursday, giving a short introduction to the Network, HEAL’s priorities and accomplishments, as well as its plans for the near future. The presentation lead to some possibilities of outreach to grown the Network. In the coming weeks, a few HEAL members are also joining RUN for their Lobby Day(s) March 16th-18th, as well as CSH Bring CA Home Advocacy Day on March 19th. Following that, HEAL will be ramping up for new (virtual) advocacy and leadership training series to two new cohorts in San Diego and North County.

If you know of anyone with recent experience of homelessness who would like to training and engage in policy advocacy, contact me at