San Diego Housing Federation

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2020 Conference Day 5 Recap

Keynote Urges to Close the Gap

Amanda Misiko Andere is the CEO of Funders Together to End Homelessness and is a founding member and on the leadership team for the National Racial Equity Working Group on Homelessness and Housing. She also serves on the Leadership Council for the DC Partnership to End Homelessness.

  • "If we want to achieve housing justice, it is so important to recognize how we got here. And that began in this country by taking land that wasn’t ours." 

  • "The work to end homelessness must center racial equity."

  • "Our movement needs to be explicit and intentional if we are going to address racial inequities in housing and homelessness."

  • "Racial equity means closing the gaps so that race does not determine outcomes and improves outcomes for all."

On Day 2 we explored:

  • “2021 will be last year that budget control spending caps are in affect. That opens up possibilities for the HUD budget going forward.”

  • “Moving people into stable housing and getting them the services they need is rife with challenges.”

  • “Its partnerships and collaboration and making sure you have the right ensure that the data is actionable.”